Research Topics
Chemical and Biological Information Research Group
About Research
“Coriolan Drăgulescu” Institute of Chemistry Timisoara, Romania
Computational Chemistry Department
Our team efforts are focused on cheminformatics and bioinformatics, namely structure-activity relationships (SARs), conformational analysis, protein and small molecule modeling, homology modeling, analysis of the HTS outcomes, molecular dynamics, building and development of databases, selection of property and target-focused subsets of large chemical libraries, diversity analysis, Virtual Screening evaluation parameters and algorithm development for early recognition of false actives from HTS. We also made contributions in defining critical concepts such as lead-likeness, drugkeness, chemical probes, and evaluation metrics, highlighting the importance of the design of chemical libraries for HTS purpose in drug discovery.
UPDATING!!!... High-throughput screening
Excepteur sint ocecat cupidatat non proi dent sunt in culpa qui officia dese
UPDATING!!!... Molecular Promiscuity Predictor
Excepteur sint ocecat cupidatat non proi dent sunt in culpa qui officia dese
UPDATING!!!... Data sets for FH modeling
Excepteur sint ocecat cupidatat non proi dent sunt in culpa qui officia dese
UPDATING!!!... Research projects for the stimulation of young independent research teams forming - TE
Excepteur sint ocecat cupidatat non proi dent sunt in culpa qui officia dese
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