- online DPI (diffraction-component precision index) calculation -

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σ(x,Bavg) (DPI formulae for the coordinate errors) σ(r,Bavg) (DPI formulae for the position errors)
Cruickshank DPI || Blow DPI || Cruickshank DPI || Blow DPI || Cruickshank DPI || Cruickshank DPI || Blow DPI Blow DPI
R used R used Rfree used Rfree used R used Rfree used R used Rfree used

Deposition date: ...
Refinement: ...
Resolution (Å): ...
R: ...
Rfree: ...
No. of reflections (observations): ...
Completeness (%): ...
No. of fully occupied atoms: ...
% of fully occupied atoms: ...
No. of protein atoms: ...
No. of solvent atoms: ...
No. of parameters: ...
Matthews coefficient: ...
Z value (no. of polymeric chains in an unit cell): ...
No. of asymetric units: ...
Volume of the crystal asymetric unit: ...
Volume of the crystal asymetric unit (Blow aprox.): ...

No. pdbID Resolution CruickshankDpi σ(x,Bavg) BlowDpi σ(x,Bavg) CruickshankDpi σ(r,Bavg) BlowDPI σ(r,Bavg) No. reflections Completeness No. occupied atoms Occupied atoms R Rfree No. parameters Matthews coeff. No. polym chains (Z) No. asym units No. protein atoms Vol crystal Vol crystal (Blow aprox.) Refinement Deposition date
(R used) ⇅ (Rfree used) ⇅ (R used) ⇅ (Rfree used) ⇅ (R used) ⇅ (Rfree used) ⇅ (R used) ⇅ (Rfree used) ⇅ (%) ⇅ (%) ⇅